Contain graphics for:
- Login
- Settings (video, audio, game & controls)
- Shop
- Inventory
- Quests
- Levels
- Skills
- Chat
- Achievements
- Create & Select Character
- Login
- Pause
- Exit
- Item info
- Chat
124 Unique Items & Icons
- in 5 sizes: 32x32px, 64x64px, 128x128px, 256x256px, 512x512px
Buttons (customizable colours in Unity):
- Regular
- Outlined
- Buttons with icons (regular & outlined)
- Close, Help, Info, Share
- Checkbox, Switch, Radio
Other elements:
- Health & Mana Bubbles
- Health & Mana Bars
- Exp & Progress Bars with glowing fill (in 5 colours + white)
- Scrollbars
- Sliders
- Input fields
- Chat clouds
- Action bar
+ Complete .psd editable files
+ .ai file with items & icons
Manual & tutorials