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FluidNinja LIVE-1.webp

Links: Manual / New Tutorial Vids & New Content / All Tutorial Vids / Showreels / Twitter

Welcome to NinjaLive 1.9: modular fluidsim for UE 5.1 - 5.3 that could be used for screen-space effects
and drive world-space systems: water bodies, volumes, niagara, foliage and landscape components.

Please note: learning ninja takes a week by going through the Manual, Tutorial Videos and included Levels.
Buy only if you are willing to invest time to learning! Start here: All-in-one Tutorial Video
Test before purchase! Download the latest NinjaLIVE for free, at the Community Server *
(*see "Student Version" section on the left side-bar.)

Playable interactive demo showcasing Live 1.7 features: NinjaDEMO EXE + VideoCapture
For fluidsim baking, see NinjaTOOLS

Technical Details​

  1. Robust: capable to track hundreds of objects and bones - including Metahuman skeletons
  2. Large scale: local solver combined with global pattern generators - to render infinite fields of sand, water, fog
  3. Cinematics: ready for rendering via Movie Render Queue, supports Sequencer
  4. Volumetrics: custom, lit 3D Smoke volume included + driving native UE Fog and Clouds
  5. Scalable: could be optimized for low-end hardware or run a 4k sim container
  6. Simple-mode: track objects and draw trajectories without running fluidsim (eg. footsteps, wheeltracks)
  7. Modular: could be added as ActorComponent / could drive other components (niagara, volumes)
  8. Niagara: two-way data flow - drive particles using fluidsim / drive fluidsim using particles
  9. Sim buffers (density, velocity, pressure) exposed to RenderTargets
  10. Examples included (20+ tutorial levels, 10+ usecase levels)
  11. Compiling and packaging is tested on Windows and Android devices

Simulation Inputs
  1. Niagara Particles (position, velocity)
  2. StaticMeshes, PhysicsBodies (position, size and velocity)
  3. Skeletal Meshes, Metahumans (bone position and velocity)
  4. Textures and Materials (density, velocity)
  5. SceneCaptureCamera and Streaming video
  6. User gestures via mouse and touchscreen
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