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Welcome to NinjaLive 1.9: modular fluidsim for UE 5.1 - 5.3 that could be used for screen-space effects
and drive world-space systems: water bodies, volumes, niagara, foliage and landscape components.
Please note: learning ninja takes a week by going through the Manual, Tutorial Videos and included Levels.
Buy only if you are willing to invest time to learning! Start here: All-in-one Tutorial Video
Test before purchase! Download the latest NinjaLIVE for free, at the Community Server *
(*see "Student Version" section on the left side-bar.)
Playable interactive demo showcasing Live 1.7 features: NinjaDEMO EXE + VideoCapture
For fluidsim baking, see NinjaTOOLS
Technical Details
- Robust: capable to track hundreds of objects and bones - including Metahuman skeletons
- Large scale: local solver combined with global pattern generators - to render infinite fields of sand, water, fog
- Cinematics: ready for rendering via Movie Render Queue, supports Sequencer
- Volumetrics: custom, lit 3D Smoke volume included + driving native UE Fog and Clouds
- Scalable: could be optimized for low-end hardware or run a 4k sim container
- Simple-mode: track objects and draw trajectories without running fluidsim (eg. footsteps, wheeltracks)
- Modular: could be added as ActorComponent / could drive other components (niagara, volumes)
- Niagara: two-way data flow - drive particles using fluidsim / drive fluidsim using particles
- Sim buffers (density, velocity, pressure) exposed to RenderTargets
- Examples included (20+ tutorial levels, 10+ usecase levels)
- Compiling and packaging is tested on Windows and Android devices
Simulation Inputs
- Niagara Particles (position, velocity)
- StaticMeshes, PhysicsBodies (position, size and velocity)
- Skeletal Meshes, Metahumans (bone position and velocity)
- Textures and Materials (density, velocity)
- SceneCaptureCamera and Streaming video
- User gestures via mouse and touchscreen