Universal / Fantasy Pixel Art GUI Kit for your new project, featuring Windowed and Fullscreen views to fit all your needs!
- Settings
- Shop
- Currency Shop
- Skills
- Inventory
- Equipment
- Create character
- Characters
- Quests
- Quest description
- Levels
- Level completed & Level failed
- Messages
- Achievements
- Login
- Exit
- Item info
- Delete
- Chat & Small Chat
- Settings
- Shop
- Skills
- Inventory
- Create character
- Ranking
- Quests
- Achievements
- Chat
- Levels
- 60 8x8px icons in 4 colors
- 25 16x16px icons in 2 colors
- 66 32x32px items in 2 versions: regular & outlined
- Regular (in 2 colors)
- With icons (in 2 colors)
- Close, Help, Info, Share
- Checkbox, Toggle, Radio
- Health & Mana Bubbles (in 6 colors, editable fill colors in Unity)
- Health & Mana Bars (in 6 colors & 4 variations)
- Scrollbars
- Sliders
- Input field
- Action bar
- Mini map
- Buttons
- Bars
- Sliders
- Bubbles
- Dropdown
- Input field
- Radio & checkbox
- Currency display
- Menu